Every year we have a Thanksgiving Sequence tournament. Well, this year Thanksgiving was just too busy for our family. We had Camp Meeting, Thanksgiving, setting up the tree and James' best friend Chris slept over.
So we never found the time to have our tournament - until this morning.
Here Brian and I are playing the championship game.
Guess who won . . .
Yay!! I got a fancy chocolate treat and a custom-made certificate.
The rest of today we will be hanging around, making lasagna for tomorrow and having Swedish meatballs for dinner.
Stay tuned for the full Christmas Eve report.

Congratulations MOM!! Good job!
We are missing the Swedish meatballs this year. Have to plan better for next year. But the Swedish sausage and lasagna was good!!
Love you all! Merry Christmas!
WooooooHooooooo! Atta girl.
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