Brian and James had some things to do at work in Houston so, we had to get up early on Monday morning.
We headed down for our last HOTEL BREAKFAST.
Matthew had a Texas-shaped waffle. Actually I shared it with him - it was fun!
We checked out and drove toward Deer Park. We took the ferry across again and dropped Brian and James off at work. Because we weren't sure how long it would take them to finish their stuff, we wanted to stay in the area so we drove a little bit down the road back to the USS Texas to take a tour.
Ready to board the battleship. Faith volunteered to take most of these pictures for us.
Peter was a little scared to climb up here, but he made it.
A short time after boarding and climbing around we found a supply of mops.
I was telling them to Swab The Decks!!
Ha ha ha!
Bunch o' sailors.
There were some places we couldn't go in.
Andrew got on this gun and pretended to blow up the bridge so no one else would come aboard.
Andrew volunteered to shoot down enemy aircraft.
Matthew pitched in to help.
There was a picture of some of the sailors who sailed the USS Texas.
We went below decks to have a look around.
We need a chow line like this at home.
And some bunks like this . . . maybe not.
Some of the kids wanted to climb up higher.
Matthew on the way up and Jon coming down.
Pretty soon we had explored everything and it was time to leave.
After our tour we drove around town a bit.
Matthew likes to travel with the tablet.
We stopped at Target for some water. Coke has a new thing with names on the bottles.

We found one we liked.
We decided to go to IHOP for lunch.
Mostly because the Chili's we were headed to didn't exist.
Rogue GPS again.
I told the boys they had to HOP if they wanted to eat because it's called I HOP.
So they did, Ha!
Waiting for food.
I finally got to try chicken and waffles. It was good!
The kids and their lunches . . .
There was egg yolk everywhere.
At lunch we got the call from Daddy that they were done, so one more trip across the ferry and we were headed back home to Baton Rouge.
Stay tuned for eye appointments!

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