Thank you all for the cards and gifts for Andrew. He went shopping with Brian on the night of his birthday and came home with some Legos and an awesome sticker book.
They stayed up a little late putting them together.
It's a shark! Cool!
Totally cool sticker book. He came out of his room today with stickers all up and down his arms and legs. I didn't have the camera ready though. Bummer
See - I speak the truth!
We also finished the fence. It's now safe to play in the backyard again!
So, that's done.
Kids are doing school this week and gearing up for camping on Friday.
Judging by the five-day forecast, it's going to be a memorable time ;)
We all know that it can be pouring at our house and sunny across the street down here though so chin up and all that sort of thing . . .
I took this picture this afternoon. It was thundering and raining so I went out to check on the gutters and the sun is shining in the front yard while it's raining (hard to tell, I know).
We're planning on picking up the birthday cake (another store-bought cake) and all of the camping trimmings on our way out of town on Friday. We can't check in until 2 pm and it's only an hour drive. So that is the plan as of now.

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