Last week we had our annual home school recital.
It was held at the Bible College Chapel and the kids get to use the equipment there.
Matthew and Peter singing Jesus Loves Me - with James on the piano.
Andrew playing Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
For some reason, I didn't get a picture of Jon while he was playing Jesus Loves Me.
But here is a picture of him after the recital at the piano.
Faith playing and singing Amazing Grace
Alyssa playing and singing
James playing and singing In Christ Alone.
At the very end the kids who have been taking Spanish together sang a song
Alyssa and Faith on the right.
After the recital there were snacks and lemonade.
Levi and Matthew - it's so hard to get a picture of them together.
Grace didn't sing or play piano, but she was sure cute - all dressed up in her tutu and leggings.
She's getting a little sad here - our friend Dana holding her.
Here is a close up of her ruffled leggings - so cute.
And James, he approves of the refreshments.
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1 comment:
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! Your kids are super talented! Loved the songs they picked!! Awesome, thanks for sharing!
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