So, a friend of ours gave me some clothes that her sons had outgrown. Inside the bag was a pair of super soft jammies.
I put them on Matthew first but had to roll the sleeves and legs. He thought the moose was a puppy.
He wasn't thrilled and wanted them off.
So next I tried them on Peter.
They fit him a little better. He wore them to bed.
On Wednesday Brian and I voted!!
Remembering the lines I drove and stood in four years ago, I wanted to vote early this year. Early voting is offered in the State Archives building which is a stone's throw from Brian's work. He voted on the way to work that morning and the kids and I met him at lunchtime - Taco Bell in hand - so that I could vote too.
Oooh. The State Archives building. I have driven by this building many times but have never been inside.
There was a line inside!! Not completely surprising as it was lunchtime and there were people coming in on their lunch hour to vote.
On the wall behind glass was a huge quilt with a square for each of the states.
Through a door and I saw this:
"Antique" bottle collection. Looked like recyclables to me. Hmm.
I voted and got out of there - but didn't get my 'I voted early' sticker. Bummer. Ate a taco on the way home. Glad to have it done.
I found the State Archives building to be quiet and dark inside - which was nice. Pretty opposite from our house during the day ;). There were several things on display - photographs and other things to look at. In all I enjoyed it but probably won't return until the next election.
In other news . . .
Our satsuma oranges are almost gone. We've really enjoyed them. So much fun for the kids to pick their own oranges, peel them and eat them.
We also have a lemon tree.
We had about five lemons this year.
Brian peeled and seeded them - there were lots of seeds - and I made slushies. Lemonade slushies with our own lemons = AWESOME!!
And I'll leave you with a picture from today. Each Friday I hit Albertson's on the way to get James from school. It's just a part of my meal planning adventure. Meal planning has been going well for us so far. I'm in the store less and I like knowing what's for dinner.
ANYWAY . . .
My point was this picture
Every time I go to the store Jon asks me if he can drive the little boys in the cart while we shop. A couple of times in the past he has run over Peter and/or simultaneously crashed into the shelves. I've taken away his driver's license a couple of times. Here he is driving today. He did pretty good. I had to remind him once or twice not to spin donuts in the meat aisle. We found everything we were looking for and even scored a deal on some candy!
Pretty good!

1 comment:
Awesome. Really like the picture of the boys in the cart with Jon driving. He just needs more practice.
Luv Ya. Grampa
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