Day 2 was our first day at sea.
Peter liked sleeping in the bunk bed.
We had breakfast and went exploring.
Helicopter pad.
It was too windy for Grace. She got to the top and the wind took her breath away.
So we waited below on deck 5 for the others.
We generally hung around and watched the ocean go by.
Nothing like it.
There was mini golf and trivia.
Medals were won.
The night of Day 2 was our first formal night.
We got fancy and went to the centrum to take some pictures.
Jon liked the ship map at each elevator lobby.
James pondered . . .
We think it was a dog - with Jon's sunglasses.
Day 3 was also at sea.
We had breakfast in the dining room.
Fruit Loops at sea.
During the day the fancy couches in the centrum were empty so the boys wanted to try them out.
We headed up to the drink station to check it out.
Played some ping pong.
We hung out by the big windows and watched the rainbows in the sea spray.
Explored the loungers.
And then played lots of mini golf.
The rock climbing wall was closed due to high winds.
Daddy and Gracie on the top deck.
Great view to golf by.
We went to the main dining room for lunch
Huge table. Very nice.
Grace got a window seat and some corn.
Brian and I had the steak sandwich.
The kids had burgers and fries.
Excellent dessert. S for Smith - or Serenade I guess.
There were naps after lunch and then a great sunset - that I have no pictures of.
We went to dinner again in the dining room and then took a walk around the top deck at night after changing out of our dinner clothes.
We had hot chocolate before bedtime.
Stay tuned for Day 4 and our stop in Jamaica!

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