Lots of stuff going on down here this month . . .
Grace is getting bigger - walking everywhere now.
And she gets a kick out of markers.
Alyssa took and survived the ACT test.
We also had a couple of birthdays to celebrate.
Brian turned 40 and Alyssa turned 14.
These two like pie and ice cream for their birthday.
Brian got a nice new toy.
Alyssa went shopping and picked out about six new outfits.
Grace has a duckie bathrobe.
She likes it.
Here's a little preview of what else we've been up to . . . .
Stay tuned for all the details!

Wonderful pictures!! You all look so great...and Gracie is growing so fast. Alyssa, 14 and taking the ACT? Wow...It's amazing!
Love you all!!
Happy Belated Birthday To Brian and Alyssa!! I meant to text you but time got away from me, sorry! Hope the day was awesome! LOVE the pic's!! Miss you all, Merry Christmas!
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