We came across these chips at the store the other week and we had to try them. I don't think I posted about them before.
They were pretty good - tasted like syrup and breakfast sausage.
Just say the word, Grampa, and I'll pick up another bag for your visit ;)!
Yesterday, on our way to Home Depot for toilet repair parts, we stopped off at Team Honda.

Brian has been doing lots of research on cars as we've been in the market for one with James approaching 16 and getting his license.

Kids LOVE being at the car dealer (*sarcasm*).
The best part is playing games on Mom's phone. Until she has to use it to call Gramma for their address.
You know they ask you for your nearest relative on the paperwork.
I guess they need to know where to send the bill. ;)
Satisfied customer.
*Two hours later*
Brian drove home in this . . .
2014 Honda Accord Sport
We're pretty excited about it and so thankful for this car.
Someone e-mailed me recently about all of the cold, snowy weather. I mentioned the nice picnicky type of weather we were having.
So, after shopping for cars, we had a little bbq picnic for dinner. :)
Maybe today we'll make it to Home Depot . . .
Think I'll pass on those chips. :) Nice car!! But then I've always been partial to Hondas.
Love you all!
CHICKEN&WAFFLES? Must be some wacky southern thing. I suppose they have possum&grits too. Wacko! Nice car. Must be richer than I thought. If you bought a used car you could buy a new toilet. Just kidding. I'm glad James is getting his license, but I'm scared too. Way wacky drivers down there. Well, that's enough wackiness for now. Ta.
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