Yesterday we had our home school play day. It's a get-together for the kids and moms every three weeks where they can play and we can talk and plan things like field trips and recitals.
When we arrived there was a little surprise waiting for us. They had planned a baby shower for Grace.
There was a cake.
Matthew spent some time hamming it up in the kitchen for all the moms.
Action shot
Another action shot.
There were some presents.
Baby pants with a giraffe face on the butt. So cute!
Another action shot
This is Matthew with his best friend Levi.
(Wonder if you Hansen's find this funny like we do.)
I waited too long to snap the picture and Levi turned around and ran off.
I'll have to try again another day.
Pretty presents
Grace got an elephant. Wonder what she'll name it.
Lots of new clothes.
Cute clothes - and chocolate for mommy, he he.
Orange and monkeys are all the rage this season.
Hair bands and flowers. Oh my!
We're excited to dress her up!

How fun!! Lots of really cute outfits for Grace. Good shots of Matthew entertaining folks too. :D
Love you all!
So Awesome!! Matthew has a friend named Levi!! LOVE IT!!!!
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