By about now we didn't know what day it was! Brian and I had gotten a bit too much sun the day before so we decided to take a day-trip to Florida to see what was going on there.
We headed for the
which was just across the border not far from where we were staying.
As we approached the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, I snapped a photo of the entrance gate. The very stern, sun-glassed officer at the gate asked me if I had taken any photos. I admitted to taking one and he kindly asked me to delete it. Ha!
However, we were able to take pictures at the museum, whew!!
We arrived just in time to board the trolley for the outside tour of aircraft.
We had an extremely knowledgeable guide who described each of the planes and helicopters that we were seeing.
I got to sit with these two characters.
A sampling of some of the aircraft on site:
Because of the Sequester, the Blue Angels have not been practicing regularly but we were lucky enough to catch them fly by on one of their rare flights.
Then we headed inside to see the museum.
There were lots of things to see and touch.
And lots of ship models to look at.
This one had a list of fun things to look for - like someone peeling potatoes and the ship canine.
Miniature sailors.
There were also lots of cockpits to sit in.
He loves his job!
We've got enough people to run the guns!
There was a small ship to climb on for the little kids.
Then we headed to the Imax theater to watch a movie.
We drove back to the beach and played a game of Clue - Beach Edition that we had purchased while there.
And, after dinner, we went back to play in the ocean for awhile.
After the nightly shower (aka OFF WITH THE SAND) Peter played his new Spidey memory game.

Really fabulous pictures! But don't be taking any of the GATE!! Hahahahaha. James looks like 'Top Gun', with the shades and all. Very cool place and Grampa says "I need to go there!"
Love you all!
That is so totally awesome! I need to go there. That gun is a 3inch50 anti-aircraft gun. We had the exact same guns on the Tripoli and I was part of the crew on the port side aft gun. This was my General Quarters station. They were fun to fire when we go on ops. There were different colored shells for different altitudes. They would reach a certain altitude and explode. They also had different colored smoke when the exploded. They had a plane that would tow a dummy plane and we would try to blow it up. It was fun. Anyway I'm glad you guys got to go there. Great pics. Really liked the one of James with the aviator shades on. Looks like Top Gun. Cool.
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