We interrupt our regularly scheduled posts to bring you this . . .
We went to a friend's party last Saturday night.
It was a s'mores party.
Our friend is from Texas.
Cool way to serve drinks.
Faith and Gracie
This set up is out on their covered patio. It's pretty cool.
Looks like something in a magazine.
The s'mores table.
Pretty much sums up the night.
Sprite and s'mores.
For Yumm!
Sunday morning we all went to church.
Brian and Grace
Faith and James
After lunch we got into our regular duds to mess with the generator.
With all of the sickness we had around here we were a little late in dragging it out to run it.
After a little snafu with the carburetor leaking, which we fixed up good, she ran!!
We plugged in the hairdryer to test it out and it worked!
We were excited!
(Yes, I wore a skirt to mess with the generator. I'm crazy like that)
Now stay tuned for a post or two about Grace's birthday.

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