December has been a busy month for us . . .
Peter fit into Daddy's shoes
And worked hard at school.
We accepted a delivery from Lowe's
Waiting for Grampa.
We bought our first ever siding nailer - and the compressor to go with it.
Cutting the treated plywood.
Tearing off the old, rotten siding.
Jon and Daddy tearing off siding.
Alyssa and Matthew came to inspect the work.
We did some grocery shopping.
And remembered to pick up Grampa at the airport.
Alyssa and Daddy went out for their annual birthday breakfast.
They finished the OSB sheathing - and that's all I'm gonna say about that! ;)
We had pie and ice cream for Daddy and the new teenager.
Matthew made me take this picture of him.
And this one - it's his "Two Face" face.
Got one wall of siding done.
Jon on our new ladder
Now they're working on the back wall.
Stay tuned for more updates on the construction. Hopefully they'll be moving inside soon.

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