Just some random nonsense to entertain you!
Free smoothie samples at Target.
Game Day in Baton Rouge.
Again, at Target.
A trip to Dunkin' with Daddy.
It's good!
Cleaned out some things from the attic and came across this jacket.
Go Bengals!
The other day while waiting for James we visited Mike the Tiger on campus.
Nice tiger!

Ok. I was completely entertained. Question. Are you sure Dad used to in into that jacket? Just kidding Dad. Hey we miss you guys too. Yes I do need an assistant. How about you send me one on a rotating basis. I can teach them all kinds of good stuff they can't learn in school. Huh? Huh? Yeah! Great idea. Ask them what they think.
Luv Ya
Loved the sneak peek into an average day for the Smith family. I agree with Grampa's suggestion about revolving internships in MN. :)
Love you all!
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