Thursday, November 26, 2015


I'm not even going to tell you that we've been busy - because you already know that!  If you've been paying attention on FB or the public blog you've seen we've been up to a lot of things including cooking and shopping with the kids, Matthew's tonsillectomy and now Thanksgiving is upon us already.

Here's what we've been up to:

In an effort to recover the "lost" contact lenses that Brian ordered way back in June, we headed out to the eye doctor and then stopped off at Taco Bell for dinner.

She doesn't like to wait for her tacos. 

But she did do a little dancing while she ate. 

The day before Thanksgiving is prep day.  We bake pies, put the stuffing and potatoes together and prep the turkey.  

Grace's first pumpkin pie making session.  Start 'em young I always say (not really!)

Matthew is pretty much an expert by now :)

After our prep was done, Gracie hung out on the couch with Daddy.

I went to bed but forgot to put the turkey in the roaster.  Thankfully I remembered and got it in. 

After Thanksgiving lunch we started our annual Sequence tournament.  

And did some more hanging out together!

Happy Thanksgiving! 

From this little turkey!!

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